Thank you thank you Melaine (My Sweet Savannah) for the beautiful sign you made for me. It's perfect and I love it. I can't wait to take it with me when I set up shop at some flea markets this summer. Until then, it looks so fabulous in my space. Speaking of space, I've expanded again. I feel like a piece of bread dough under the cheese cloth...I keep getting bigger and bigger! The space opened up next to me and I decided to take it on trial to see if I really can utilize all of it. So far so good. It feels great to spread out
This great French cane balloon back chair with original uphostery is only $72. French wire dress form (with tulle stuffed inside so you can see it better) is $59.95. Stop by soon. With all the rain we've been having here goodness knows we won't be in our gardens yet so we might as well shop! Kiama